About Us

Our Mission:
The West Hollywood Bicycle Coalition promotes bike-oriented services, advocacy, education, and projects that benefit everyone, from pedestrians to cyclists to transit riders to motorists.

As a local chapter of the L.A. County Bicycle Coalition, we work with community service groups, local businesses, and municipal leaders to serve cyclists of all ages and skill levels.

Our goal is to make complete and sustainable streets available to all and to promote health and wellness through cycling, thereby making West Hollywood an even more delightful place to live, work, and play.

La Coalición de Bicicleta de West Hollywood promueve servicios orientados a la bicicleta, promoción, educación y proyectos que beneficien a todos, desde los peatones a transitar corredores para los automovilistas.

Como un capítulo local de La Coalición de Bicicleta del Condado de Los Angeles, trabajamos con grupos deservicios comunitarios, las empresas locales y los líderes municipales para servir los ciclistas de todas las edades y niveles de habilidad.

Nuestro objetivo es hacer integral y sustentable calles disponibles para todos y para promover la salud y el bienestar a través de ciclismo, con lo cual West Hollywood aún más hermoso lugar para vivir, trabajar y jugar.

Thanks to WeHoBYCO supporters Kelly Cruz & Giuliana Maresca for translation!

Our History:
The West Hollywood Bicycle Coalition (WeHoBYCO) is a community-based advocacy group formed out of the West Hollywood Bicycle Task Force (BTF), a short-term advisory committee to the City of West Hollywood established in January 2011. The BTF was charged with developing recommendations to update the City of West Hollywood Bicycle and Pedestrian Mobility Plan written in 2003. During the year-long appointment, BTF members—including City of West Hollywood staff, community stakeholders, and established bicycle advocates—researched, debated, and delivered an extensive report, incorporating best practices employed by other cities to improve pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, develop education and safety programs, and identify possible funding sources.  WeHoBYCO also consulted extensively with West Hollywood city staff and encouraged our supporters to provide input on West Hollywood’s 2017 update to its Bicycle and Pedestrian Mobility Plan.

A non-governmental organization, the West Hollywood Bicycle Coalition serves as a community voice in support of the implementation of the recommendations of the Bicycle Task Force and Bicycle and Pedestrian Mobility Plan.

Make a tax-deductible donation to the Los Angeles Country Bicycle Coalition, the parent nonprofit of the West Hollywood Bicycle Coalition.