The West Hollywood City Council has an important bike-related item on the agenda for today’s meeting (Tuesday, September 4, 2012):
New Business Item 5.C. – Discussion of Long Range and Mobiltiy Planing Division Work Program: Staff recommends that the City Council review the proposed Long Range and Mobility Division (LRMPD) Work Program, provide comment and approve as proposed, or reallocate staff time to different projects.
This work program includes several urgent projects. Here are three of them, along with the WeHo Bicycle Coalition’s positions:
- Large-Scale Planning Effort (1-3 yr): WeHoBC urges council to designate the “Eastside-Fairfax Land Use, Urban Design & Mobility Plan” as #1 in the order of projects. Fairfax Ave. has long been in need of improved mobility and land use, and represents and opportunity for the City to bring improvements to the central area/Eastside as it recently has in the Westside with the West Hollywood Park Master Plan and planning for the Avenues Streetscape project.
- Medium Scale Planning Efforts (1-1.5 yr): WeHoBC supports staff’s recommendation that the “Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan Update” be assigned highest priority. The master plan will provide a help qualify the City for additional funding and provide a framework for implementing the recommendations of the Bicycle Task Force. In addition WeHoBC supports staff’s recommendation that the “Neighborhood Livability, Greening & Traffic Calming Program” be designated #2 in the project order.
- Smaller Scale Projects (0.5-1 yr): WeHoBC supports staff’s assignment of the top three priorities. All three represent efforts to balance the needs of pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists on the public streets of West Hollywood:
1. Bike Sharing Program
2. Transportation Demand Management
3. Pedestrian Streets and Parklets
There are two ways you can help move these bike projects forward:
- Submit written comment regarding these projects. Comments can be emailed to, faxed to 323-848-6563, or given to the clerk (6 copies) at the meeting.
- Speak on Tuesday evening. The meeting is at 6:30 in the council chambers at the new West Hollywood Library.
Here’s additional information about the projects under consideration:
Eastside-Fairfax Land Use, Urban Design & Mobility Plan
Determine appropriate land use and urban design mix compatible with existing, proposed developmenUcommercial areas and adjacent neighborhoods. Identify redevelopment opportunities. Evaluate lane reconfiguration/streetscape improvements, to increase pedestrian, bicycle and transit user comfort, safety and aesthetics. Develop transit overlay standards
Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan Update
The purpose of the document is to update the 2003 Bike/Ped Mobility Plan and integrate information obtained from the General Plan and the Bicycle Task Force Report. The update will give WEHO the ability to apply for funding for bicycle and pedestrian improvements -we are ineligible at the moment. The planning effort will include extensive community outreach, and include an evaluation of innovative treatments to improve bicycle and pedestrian safety and comfort and appropriateness for implementation in W. Hollywood. Product deliverables will include a priority list of improvements for bicycle and pedestrian safety, costs and implementation schedule and funding opportunities. The planning effort will include community conversations about Fountain Avenue, but separate Fountain Avenue out as an individual planning effort.
Neighborhood Livability, Greening & Traffic Calming Program
Review policies, procedures and practice – update program to integrate greening and livability in neighborhoods, evaluate local circulation to identify local and cut through traffic, and streamline expenses associated with installation. Evaluate ability to transform program into small neighborhood grants program.
Bike Sharing Program
Work with Westside cities to establish a bike share system that addresses local destinations and regional compatibility, and provisions for city employee use. Pursue a bike share system that is privately funded and operated, without city subsidy.
Transportation Demand Management
Implement a revised transportation demand management (TOM) program and ordinance to continue to encourage alternative transportation modes as well as multimodal connections. Update list of TOM requirements for new development over 10, OOOSF or over 10 units provide 50% transit subsidy, for employees and residents. Incorporate standards for new development for car/bike sharing and improvements to encourage bike/pedestrian safety and comfort.
Pedestrian Streets and Parklets
Conduct an evaluation of public rights of ways to determine opportunities for creating public space for community activities, public spaces and gathering places. Develop set of recommendations for programming, funding and design.